cities & land





shortcut roundabouts


This is a type of traffic intersection I designed.






plastic roads


How practical is using plastic in roads?






acceptable future lifestyles


Sometimes a concrete vision of a specific future is helpful, so I thought I'd describe a future lifestyle.






forest fires


The forest fires recently seen in California, Oregon, and southwest Canada could well happen every year.








There are some basic principles for aesthetics of buildings. Recently, architecture has somehow managed to ignore them.






Silicon Valley salary


Scott Alexander: Every new housing unit prevented saves one person from having to live in San Francisco.






tall buildings


Taller buildings are not always more expensive.






buses and trains


In theory, I like buses more than trains for moving people.








Incomes are higher in big cities like NYC and San Francisco, so in the future everyone will live in megacities. Or will they?






stop signs


Four-way stops are common, but they seem inefficient. Maybe they can be improved by people just following different rules.


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