
=food =suggestion =health



There are a lot of people on the internet with nutrition advice, and most of it is bad. Why would you trust nutrition advice from me? I know the aesthetic design of this site is amazing, but that's still not a good enough reason.

I suppose someone could have read my chemistry posts and been impressed by them. That would be a legitimate reason. So, you should go read my post on molecular toxicology, and come back here if you understood it.

If you have not read and understood my chemistry posts, the correct thing for you to do would be to ignore my advice, ignore nutrition advice in mainstream media, and try to eat traditional meals that were prepared 400+ years ago.


1) Avoid trans fats.

People were once commonly told that margarine is healthier than butter, but no, hydrogenated vegetable oil is bad. Trans fats are very bad. Don't eat anything containing hydrogenated vegetable oil.

(Don't drink things with brominated vegetable oil either, but that's a separate issue.)

2) Eat some starch, some protein, and some fats.

Like many people, I was taught by teachers and media that a low fat diet is healthy, but no, that's bad. People who avoid fats are less healthy. Have some fats. You could consider using a mix of olive oil and red palm oil.

Humans obviously need some protein, but eating mostly protein is also bad, because of things like high nitrogen levels.

So, while the exact amounts don't matter, you should try to eat some starch, some protein, and some fats.

3) Eat your vegetables.

Photosynthesis generates a lot of free radicals. Leaves have stuff to prevent damage from those. If you eat the leaves of certain plants, you can absorb their power!

So, eat some lettuce or gai lan or something every day. Bitter melon works too.

4) Don't spike your blood sugar.

High blood sugar is bad. High fructose levels are somewhat worse than high glucose levels. So, don't eat a piece of cake while drinking a liter of soda sweetened with high fructose corn syrup.

5) Don't drink much soda.

Drinks would not be carbonated if it wasn't somehow important. Normally people stop eating sugary things instead of having too much sugar at once. Carbonation interferes with that, and some soda flavors may have a similar effect. This may happen because prehistorical humans needed to eat fermenting fruits before they became inedible, but really the reason doesn't matter.

So, don't drink much soda. If you do drink some, prefer types with sugar to types with HFCS. The prevalence of carbonated sugary drinks is one of the main reasons why Americans are fat.

6) Don't worry about aluminum cookware or MSG.

MSG is a sodium salt of an amino acid. Amino acids are obviously fine, and sodium salts don't matter.
This should be obvious if you understood my chemistry posts, but I think it's a good example of the current state of nutritional understanding.

Some things are bad because they catalyze bad reactions in cells; aluminum lacks the higher orbitals necessary for that.
But high levels of soluble aluminum are bad for plants; this is a main reason why some plants don't grow in acidic soils.
The problem is aluminum binding to cell organelle membranes causing leakage leading to oxidative stress.
In humans, this can happen with mitochondria membranes, causing the same basic problem.
But unlike plants, humans have circulating blood filtered by kidneys.
If your kidneys don't work, then aluminum is a problem. But normally it's not.
Also, only a small % (0.1–0.4%) of aluminum eaten is absorbed, although aluminum bound to citrate or lactate is absorbed somewhat more (0.5–5%).
There's a bunch of aluminum in dirt anyway, so it's not like humans weren't exposed to aluminum before aluminum cookware.
Here is some data from animal studies of high aluminum doses. It only seems to be a problem when there's too much for kidneys, or if there's direct brain exposure.
Anyway, while drinking a can of aluminum citrate/lactate is probably a bad idea, a few micrograms of aluminum from cookware isn't a problem.
However, it could potentially be somewhat bad to consume aluminum hydroxide containing antacid together with food or drink.
Sometimes aluminum salts are added to vaccines to increase immune response via causing general inflammation at the injection site.
Some people have been concerned about that aluminum exposure, which (being smaller but injected) is comparable to the exposure from an aluminum hydroxide antacid taken without food/drink.
Because locally high levels of aluminum are captured by phagocytic immune cells, the effects of injection are somewhat different than dietary exposure.
But anyway, aluminum cookware isn't a problem.

7) Have a medium amount of salt.

Like many people, I was taught by teachers and media that a very low sodium diet is healthy, but no, that's bad. You should have a medium amount of sodium. If you want some salt, have some salt. If you don't want some salt, then don't have more salty food. I understand that this concept may seem radical, but I guess you'll just have to trust me here.

8) Respect traditional meals.

It's generally better to eat meals that were commonly prepared 400+ years ago than more modern meals.


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